Our Penny had 10 puppies! 6 girls and 4 boys; they are all so cute and fun. They are 2 weeks old in these pictures and opened their eyes the day after pictures... of course, sheesh! Anyway, hope you enjoy!
Baby Mama "I just don't like your uterus." - Doctor "Can I just spray a little PAM down there before the baby comes out?" - Amy Poehler "Did you just stick Gum under the coffee table?" - Tina Fey "I don't know, maybe you did it." - Amy Poehler As she's peeing in the bathroom sink "Something's wrong with your toilet." - Amy Poehler Spongebob "Spongebob, you can't always expect my original stupidity, I like to mix things up. Keep you on your toes." - Patrick "It's okay Squidy, just imagine him in his underwear . . . Oh no he's hot!" - Squidward (talking about Squilliam)