born at 1:03 a.m. on April 8, 2010
7 lbs 9 oz, 20 inches
The past month and a half has been so stressful with dealing with preterm labor and trying to graduate. About a week before Kendrick made his appearance I was having contractions enough to where I went into the hospital 4 times, just to be sent home. All day long on the 7th I was having contractions, but didn't get my hopes up. James had a basketball game and I told him to go ahead and go, nothing's going to happen (I was sulking LOL). Caroline was already asleep and Quentin and I were laying down on the couch relaxing for the night before he was to go to bed. My water broke at 8:15 p.m. and Quentin was a little confused. He touched my tummy and said "Kendrick, you have to wait for the doctor" I called James, (luckily he was on the bench and next to his phone) he rushed home and we took the kids to James' sister Becky and finally got to the hospital at about 9:30 p.m. I was 3cm and ready for an epidural. I went to a 6 and started feeling a lot of pressure and the sensation to push about 15 minutes later. It took about 10 pushes and our sweet little guy was welcomed into the world. We all love our sweet little boy and are enjoying every minute of every day.
Quentin and Caroline have been a good big brother and sister. They help out when asked and love to give him hugs and kisses whenever mom and dad let them.
He is so precious and the perfect addition to our family. We can't wait to get to know him more as he grows every day!
He is so beautiful. I can't wait to meet and love him. I was just thinking you should have spelt his name Kindrick....then all of your kids would have had "in" in their name :D.
What a doll! I am so glad that you didn't have to wait for your due date - my heck your body and you do not get along well! So happy you and the baby are doing great and the little family is happily adjusting!
Congratulations! He is a doll!
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