Friday, April 24, 2009

Yard Sale Ideas

I had suggested a little while ago about doing a yard sale as a big "Brian and Kitty Forbush Family." Those who want to participate, please comment and give suggestions as to what would work for everyone. I was thinking that with the college campus near by and being on such a busy street that doing it in my yard might bring in a lot of people. Katie had called me and brought to my attention some details that may have slipped my mind. Because the street is so busy it might be hard for people to park (if it's morning to afternoon on weekdays), also, the traffic causes a problem with children. If we are to do it at my place we would have to have one or two people to man, or woman ;), the children either at a park or elsewhere. They can be in my house, but I doubt that that's what they would want to do. We can do it at Katie's place as well. We can set up in the front and have a slippery slide or something for the kids to play with in the back. Katie and I also talked about ideas for what to do with the profits. I have a poll on the sidebar that you can vote on and give suggestions if you have any. The outings might be something like a trip to Ross Park in Pocatello, a girls' outing (consisting of more than dinner), or any other family mini-trip that we agree on. We were thinking that end of May-first of June might be the best time, again, please give input. If schedules don't quite work out with everyone, we can always take the items that you wish to sell and keep track of your profits. Hope to hear from all of you soon!


Kate said...

I haven't completely set my mind on the profit thing but I am starting to lean to the idea in doing it in front of my apartment. More parking - many families in apartments and going on walks around area - Main Road - kids can play in yard or park 1/4 mile away. IDEA: What about a little goodie and beverage sale for the kids to partake in. Maybe something they could earn money on if they help make it?

Tiffany said...

That sounds like a really good idea. How much yard space do you have? I don't quite remember the yard situation. I like the idea of having the kids do something to participate.